Just a random Tuesday
I was busying myself this afternoon (if you must know I was putting washing away) when I looked out of our bedroom door and there were five, yes five, giraffe just going about their day.
I immediately rush to tell everyone around me to draw in this gaze. I took grainy photos (because I never clean the lens of my phone) to share with my loves who aren’t here.
You see, I believe that Skye and I are just custodians of this view. Nothing is forever and, as such, its imperative to be witness to it all. I mean who gets to just share their random Tuesday with a family of five giraffe.
Well, apparently, today I do.
Once I’d shared all of the photos and videos with my loves I sat on my garden fence and just watched as my favourite wild animals continued on their journey.
They stopped and stared back. I wondered if they saw me and heard the cacophony that is my home.
I watched the Mummy (I think) love her baby (I think) and two of the adults chat amongst themselves. I watched their graceful necks extend to love the sight and sound that is there life. I watched them graze and scratch and amble on. I watched and watched and watched.
My cats played in and around the fence I sat on. I heard fish eages in the distance and my small dogs whined and wondered why I was on the fence and they weren’t. I watched until the Gerry’s wondered off and I wandered where they went and if I could go with them. I too wondered and wandered until it was quiet, as was my mind.
And it’s just some random Tuesday.
I love you, bye